Italian Banking and Financial Law provides a thorough overview of the banking sector in Italy, offering historical perspectives, insight into current developments and suggestions for future evolution. This book examines the purposes and forms of supervision in Italian regulation, and highlights the means of prevention against money laundering and terrorism financing. It provides insight into both political authorities, such as the Interministerial Committee for Credit and Savings (ICCS) and the Ministry for the Economy and Finance; and also the roles of the independent institutions at work such as the Bank of Italy and Commissione Nazionale per le Societa e la Borsa (CONSOB).
The authors reflect on issues such as authority responsibility, institutional structures, regulatory powers and the numerous recent reform laws. Supervision and Supervisory Authorities assesses the Italian supervisory authorities' integration into European and global financial markets, and discusses the devolution of the function of banking supervision in Europe in the light of the 'Banking Union'. The book describes some uncommon features and recent reforms of the Italian legal system, and offers suggestions for institutional development and economic growth.