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Researching Property Law

Edited by: Susan Bright, Sarah Blandy

ISBN13: 9781137487896
Published: September 2015
Publisher: Red Globe Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £41.99

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A 'how-to' guide to property law research covering 12 different approaches, featuring contributions from an international list of prominent scholars.

Property Law
1. Introduction
Susan Bright and Sarah Blandy
2. Socio-Legal
Sarah Blandy
3. Property Theory
Laura Underkuffler
4. Law and History
Kali Murray
5. Doctrine
Martin Dixon
6. 'Applied Law'
Robin Paul Malloy
7. Law and Space
Nicholas Blomley
8. Empirical
Lisa Whitehouse
9. Law and Economics
Dan Cole
10. Comparative Property Law
Bram Akkermans
11. Critical Legal Studies
Brenna Bhandar
12. Law and Anthropology
Simon Young
13. Feminist Approaches
Helen Carr and Simone Wong