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Evaluating Transitional Justice: Accountability and Peacebuilding in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone

Edited by: Kirsten Ainley, Rebekka Friedman, Chris Mahony

ISBN13: 9781137468215
Published: June 2015
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £99.99

Despatched in 7 to 9 days.

Demonstrating groundbreaking analysis, this is the first major study to evaluate the transitional justice programme in Sierra Leone. Rather than focusing on a single mechanism, the authors examine how the Special Court, Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), local justice initiatives and reparations programme interacted.

Contributors to the book include the Prosecutor of the Special Court and one of the Commissioners from the TRC, alongside a range of experts on transitional justice, on international law and on Sierra Leone. The authors consider the political and normative drivers of transitional justice and the lessons that the Sierra Leone programme stands to offer other post-conflict situations. The importance of long-term planning, local partnership and the management of the politics and trade-offs for future transitional justice programmes cannot be underestimated.

This edited volume makes a significant contribution to the field by demonstrating how contextual knowledge should be used alongside normative standards when evaluating transitional justice.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties, Other Jurisdictions , Africa
1. Transitional Justice in Sierra Leone: Theory, History and Evaluation
Kirsten Ainley, Rebekka Friedman and Chris Mahony
2. Evaluating the Legacy of the Special Court for Sierra Leone
Brenda J. Hollis
3. The Truth about the Truth: Insider Reflections on the Sierra Leonean Truth and Reconciliation Commission
Chris Mahony and Yasmin Sooka
4. Restorative Justice in Sierra Leone: Promises and Limitations
Rebekka Friedman
5. A Political Tool? The Politics of Case Selection at the Special Court for Sierra Leone
Chris Mahony
6. Comparing Fairness and Due Process in the RUF and CDF cases: Consequences for the Legacy of the Special Court for Sierra Leone
Wayne Jordash QC and Matthew R. Crowe
7. Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in Post-Conflict Sierra Leone: The Contribution of Transitional Justice Mechanisms to Domestic Law Reform
Valerie Oosterveld
8. Taylor is Guilty, is that all there is? The Collision of Justice and Politics in the Domestic Arena
David Harris and Richard Lappin
9. Harmonizing Customary Justice with the International Rule of Law? Lessons from Post-conflict Sierra Leone
Mohamed Sesay
10. Whose Justice in Sierra Leone? Power, Security and Justice in Post-Conflict Reconstruction
Paul Jackson
11. A Pragmatic Pact: Reconciliation and Reintegration in Sierra Leone
Kieran Mitton
12. Evaluating the Success of Transitional Justice in Sierra Leone and Beyond
Kirsten Ainley
13. The Potential and Politics of Transitional Justice: Interactions between the Global and the Local in Evaluations of Success
Kirsten Ainley, Rebekka Friedman and Chris Mahony