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Corporate Governance: Law, Regulation and Theory

ISBN13: 9781137403315
Published: August 2017
Publisher: Bloomsbury Publishing
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £41.99

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Corporate Governance: Law, Regulation and Theory is the first ever academic text on UK corporate governance written from a dedicated legal perspective. It offers a clear, concise and accessible analysis of the legal and regulatory framework of corporate governance in the UK.

In addition to informing readers about the core laws and regulatory principles that determine the allocation of decision-making power in UK public companies, the book also highlights how prevailing corporate governance norms operate within their broader market and societal context.

In doing so, it seeks to encourage readers to develop their own critical opinions on the topic by reference to leading strands of theoretical and inter-disciplinary literature, along with relevant comparative and historical insights.

Company Law
Part I: Introduction to corporate governance.
1. What is corporate governance?.
2. Corporate governance and theory of the firm.
3. The corporate governance regulatory architecture.

Part II: Relational aspects of corporate governance: Shareholders, boards, managers and employees.
4. Board authority and shareholders' right of intervention.
5. Institutional investors and shareholder engagement.
6. Corporate governance and labour.

Part III: Corporate risk management and oversight.
7. The monitoring board and independent directors.
8. Internal control and risk management.

Part IV: Managerial incentives and disciplines.
9. Design and control of executive remuneration.
10. Regulation of the market for corporate control.