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Young People in Forensic Mental Health Settings: Psychological Thinking and Practice

Edited by: Andrew Rogers, Joel Harvey, Heather Law

ISBN13: 9781137359797
Published: August 2015
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £99.99

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Youth crime and youth violence blights our communities and shapes the lives of many, whether they are victims, perpetrators or family members. This book examines the application of psychological thinking and practice when working with young people who display high risk behaviours across a broad range of forensic mental health settings in the UK. It provides an up-to-date account of current thinking and practice in the field and the challenges of applying effective psychological approaches within forensic settings for young people.

The contributors to Young People in Forensic Mental Health Settings are drawn from a range of environments including universities, youth offending services, secure in-patient settings, young offender institutions, Community Forensic Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (F-CAMHS), and secure children's homes. This volume serves as an important platform for debate and as a forum for discussing the future delivery of psychologically informed services, intervention and mental health provision with young people who display high-risk behaviours.

"A first on several fronts, this book succeeds in delivering evidence-based practical knowledge to all those working with young people in forensic mental health settings. The underpinning practical approach to psychological thinking and practice is also developmentally informed, formulation driven, rightly acknowledging the challenge and complexity of working with young people who find themselves in forensic mental health settings. This book is greatly enriched by a chapter co-written by a young person and its contents will empower practitioners to improve life outcomes for such young people. Both editors and authors are to be congratulated on producing a book that has real utility for practitioners." Professor Dame Sue Bailey, Chair of the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, UK

Mental Health Law
Foreword; James McGuire

Chapter 1. Introduction; Andrew Rogers, Joel Harvey, Heather Law and Jenny Taylor
Chapter 2. "Through My Eyes": A Young Person's Experience of Forensic Mental Health Settings; Lola-Rose Morris, Emma Jamieson and Rebecca Marshall
Chapter 3. Psychological Practice in Community Settings; Simone Fox and Berit Ritchie
Chapter 4. Psychological Practice in Secure Settings; Clare Snodgrass and Jackie Preston
Chapter 5. Youth Violence Risk Assessment: A Framework for Practice; Lorraine Johnstone and Leanne Gregory
Chapter 6. Whole Systems Approaches; Brigitte Squire, Tom Jefford and Cindy Swenson
Chapter 7. Violence Among Young People: A Framework for Assessment and Intervention; Wendy Morgan
Chapter 8. Sexually Harmful Behaviour; Trudy Potter and Sarah ReevesChapter 9. Fire Setting in Adolescence; Abigail Willis
Chapter 10. Self-harming Behaviour; Joel Harvey, Alison Sillence and Kirsty Smedley
Chapter 11. Substance Misuse; Lisa Shostak and Ben Harper
Chapter 12. Intellectual Disabilities; Charlotte Staniforth and Eve Griffin
Chapter 13. Autistic Spectrum Disorder; Eve Griffin and Charlotte Staniforth
Chapter 14. Young People's Self-Disclosure in Secure Forensic Settings; Joel Harvey and Luke Endersby
Chapter 15. Developing Safe and Strong Foundations: The DART Framework; Andrew Rogers and Miranda Budd