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Governance: Legal Guidelines for International Management Practice

Edited by: Ruediger Theiselmann

ISBN13: 9781137004406
Published: October 2012
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £89.99

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Given that most large and medium-sized companies act internationally, an increasing number of managers serve as executive and non-executive directors of affiliates or groups of companies in several jurisdictions. Irrespective of this, management faces increasing legal restrictions and regulation in various countries.

In this environment, managers should not only take legal advice but also develop a sense for potential legal risks and be aware of the most relevant rules for management in the respective states, to be able to act and decide or supervise other managers properly.

Governance offers comprehensive information on legal issues for international managers in 23 countries in terms of decision-making, corporate crisis, accounting, mergers and acquisitions, as well as equity and debt raisings.

Company Law
Foreword Australia
A.Davis, S.Hodgson & T.Spitzer Austria
N.Adensamer, S.Kerschbaum &G.Gahleitner Brazil
R.Nader &M.Lorenz China
J.Schinkoth, D.P.Eich, P.Arsenault &C.Wang Czech Republic
M.Dubovsky &M.Zimmerling Denmark
H.Stakemann &J.Christensen Finland
A.Doepel &R.Paanila France
R.Cork & W.Uebelhoer Germany
R.Theiselmann India
K.Singh & W.Uebelhoer Italy
K.Riehmer, P.M.Fioruzzi &N.B.Puppieni Luxembourg
M.Dietrich &T.Sauer Netherlands
J.C.van Beckhoven, M.T.G.Schoonewille &W.E.P.Gerbers Poland: K.K.Cikulin, A.Jonczyk, S.Hodgson &B.Fiedler Russia
H.Schmitt &R.Prokhorov Sweden
A.Foerster Switzerland
D.Oser Spain
D.Franco, A.von Werder &S.Petersen Turkey
S.Onder, G.Incesulu &O.Habighorst United Arab Emirates
P.von Randow United Kingdom
K.Riehmer &T.Sarkar United States of America
J.Lewis, L.Thoma, O.Sobol, E.de la Mare, I.Posluschny &C.Mader Vietnam
M.Lorenz, T.M.Pham &O.H.K.Nguyen