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International Law in a Multipolar World (eBook)

Edited by: Matthew Happold

ISBN13: 9781136631573
Published: October 2011
Publisher: Routledge-Cavendish
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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Since the creation of the United Nations in 1945, international law has sought to configure itself as a universal system. And yet, despite the best efforts of international institutions, scholars and others to assert the universal application of international law, its relevance and applicability has been influenced, if not directed, by political power.

Over the past decade, discourse has tended to focus on the implications for international law of a unipolar world, characterised by US hegemony. However, that the international system may now be experiencing a tendency towards multipolarity, with various sites of power able to exert a telling influence on international relations and international law.

Recent events such as Russia’s excursion into Georgia, the breakdown of the Doha round of trade negotiations, the USA’s questionable actions in the war on terror, the prominence of emerging nuclear powers, China’s assertions of its own interests on a global scale, and the rise of regional trading blocs, all pose significant questions for international law and the international legal order.

International Law in a Multipolar World features contributions from a range of contributors including Nigel White, Michael Schmitt, Richard Burchill, Alexander Orakhelashvili and Christian Pippan, addressing some of the questions that multipolarity poses for the international legal system. The contributions to the volume explore issues including the use of force, governance , sovereign equality, regionalism and the relevance of the United Nations in a multipolar world, considering the overarching theme of the relationship between power and law.

Public International Law, eBooks
Introduction, Matthew Happold
1. The Security Council, the Security Imperative and International Law, Nigel D. White
2. Ascertaining Inchoate Threats to International Peace and Security, Isobel Roele
3. Nuclear Non-Proliferation and the UN Security Council in a Multipolar World: Can International Law Protect States from the Security Council?, Daniel H. Joyner
4. Using Force in International Affairs: the Role of International Law in Contemporary International Politics, Dominika Svarc
5. Russia and the Competing Spheres of Influence: the Case of Georgia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia, James Summers
6. Hegemony, Multipolarity and the System of International Law, Alexander Orakhelashvili
7. Orthodox Generalists and Political Activists in International Legal Scholarship, Jorg Kammerhofer
8. Basic Rights and Global Justice: The Problem of International Coercion, Silviya Lechner
9. The Duality of the Legitimacy of Global Actors in the International Legal Order, Jean D'Aspremont and Eric de Brabandere
10. Democracy as a Global Norm: Has It Finally Emerged?, Christian Pippin
11. International Law and East Asia's Regional Order: The Strengthening of a Fundamental Institution, Pablo Pareja-Alcaraz
12. Post-Soviet States and International Law in a Multipolar World, Rima Tkatova
13. Universality, the UN and the Organisation of the Islamic Conference: Single, Complementary, or Competing Legal Orders?, Katja Samuel
14. The Development of Self-Contained Regimes as an Obstacle to UN Global Governance, Carmen Draghici
15. The Relationship between Community Law and International Law after Kadi: Did the ECJ Slam the Door on 'Effective Multilateralism?, Aurel Sari