Routledge Lawcards: Family Law 2012-2013 (eBook)
ISBN13: 9781136595332
Published: December 2011
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook
Price: £35.99
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Routledge Lawcards are your complete, pocket-sized guides to key examinable areas of the undergraduate law curriculum and the CPE/GDL.
Their concise text, user-friendly layout and compact format make them an ideal revision aid. Helping you to identify, understand and commit to memory the salient points of each area of the law, shouldn't you make Routledge Lawcards your essential revision companions?
Fully updated and revised with all the most important recent legal developments, Routledge Lawcards are now packed with even more features:-
- Revision checklists help you to consolidate the key issues within each topic
- Colour coded highlighting really makes cases and legislation stand out
- Full tables of cases and legislation make for easy reference
- Boxed case notes pick out the cases that are most likely to come up in exams
- Diagrams and flowcharts clarify and condense complex and important topics
Routledge Lawcards are supported by a Companion Website offering:-
- Flashcard glossaries allowing you to test your understanding of key terms and definitions
- Multiple Choice Questions to test and consolidate your revision of each chapter
- Advice and tips to help you better plan your revision and prepare for your exams