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Routledge Handbook of Climate Justice (eBook)

Edited by: Tahseen Jafry

ISBN13: 9781134978489
Published: November 2018
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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The term ‘climate justice’ began to gain traction in the late 1990s following a wide range of activities by social and environmental justice movements that emerged in response to the operations of the fossil fuel industry and, later, to what their members saw as the failed global climate governance model that became so transparent at COP15 in Copenhagen. The term continues to gain momentum in discussions around sustainable development, climate change, mitigation and adaptation, and has been slowly making its way into the world of international and national policy. However, the connections between these remain unestablished.

Addressing the need for a comprehensive and integrated reference compendium, the Routledge Handbook of Climate Justice provides students, academics, and professionals with a valuable insight into this fast-growing field. Drawing together a multidisciplinary range of authors from the Global North and South, this Handbook addresses some of the most salient topics in current climate justice research, including just transition, urban climate justice, and public engagement, in addition to the field’s more traditional focus on gender, international governance and climate ethics. With an emphasis on facilitating learning based on cutting-edge specialised climate justice research and application, each chapter draws from the most recent sources, real-world best practices and tutored reflections on the strategic dimensions of climate justice and its related disciplines.

The Routledge Handbook of Climate Justice will be essential reading for students and scholars, as well as being a vital reference tool for those practically engaged in the field.

Environmental Law, eBooks
List of Figures
List of Tables
List of Contributors
1. Introduction: Justice in the Era of Climate Change
Tahseen Jafry, Michael Mikulewicz and Karin Helwig
Part I Theories of Climate Justice
2. On the evolution and continuing development of the climate justice movement
Brian Tokar
3. On inquiry into climate justice
Idil Boran
4. Fact-insensitive thought experiments in climate ethics: Exemplified by Parfit’s non-identity problem
Jörg Tremmel
5. A Narrative Account of Temporality in Climate Justice
Nejma Tamoudi and Michael Reder
Part II Climate Justice Governance, Policy and Litigation
6. Global political processes and the Paris Agreement: A case of advancement or retreat of climate justice?
Susan P. Murphy
7. Statehood in an Era of Sinking Islands
Tom Sparks
8. Reimagining development practice: Mainstreaming justice into planning frameworks
Ritwika Basu and Amir Bezaz
9. Climate Justice in the UK: Reconciling climate change and equity issues in policy and practice in a developed country context
Katharine Knox
10. Equity and justice in climate change law and policy: A role for benefit-sharing
Annalisa Savaresi and Kim Bouwer
11. Leading from the Bench: The role of judges in advancing climate justice, and lessons from South Asia
Emeline Pluchon
Part III Climate Justice, Finance and Business
12. Climate finance: Moral theory and political practice
Alexandre Gajevic Sayegh
13. The inter-relationship between climate finance and climate justice in the UNFCCC
Tessa Sheridan and Tahseen Jafry
14. Carbon pricing and climate justice: design elements for effective, efficient and equitable greenhouse gas emissions reductions
Edward Cameron
15. Sharing the burden of climate change via climate finance and business models
Emilie Prattico
Part IV Just Transition
16. From the dirty past to the clean future: Addressing historic energy injustices with a just transition to a low-carbon future
J. Mijin Cha
17. Just Energy? Structures of energy (In)justice and the Indonesian coal sector
Anna Fünfgeld
18. Climate technology and climate justice: energy transitions in Germany, India and Australia
James Goodman, Devleena Ghosh and Tom Morton
19. Big Oil's duty of disgorging funds in the context of climate change
Marco Grasso
20. Climate Justice and REDD+: A multiscalar examination of the Norwegian-Ethiopian Partnership
David Brown
Part V Urban Climate Justice
21. The Climate-Just City
Wendy Steele, Jean Hillier, Donna Houston, Jason Byrne and Diana MacCallum
22. Configuring climate responsibility in the city: Carbon footprints and climate justice in Hong Kong
Sara Fuller
23. The shifting geographies of climate change justice: Mobile vulnerabilities in and across Indian cities
Eric Chu and Kavya Michael
24. Fair for whom? How residents and municipalities evaluate sea-level rise policies in Botany Bay, Australia
Anne Maree Kreller and Sonia Graham
25. Thermal inequity: The relationship between urban structure and social disparities in an era of climate change
Bruce C. Mitchell and Jayajit Chakraborty
Part VI Climate Justice and Gender
26. Climate justice, gender and intersectionality
Patricia E. Perkins
27. "No climate justice without gender justice": explorations of the intersections between gender and climate injustices in climate adaptation actions in the Philippines
Roa Petra Crease, Meg Parsons and Karen Toni Fisher
28. Achieving climate justice through gender mainstreaming climate change adaptation? A multiscale analysis from the Lower Shire Valley, Malawi
Jane Maher
29. Inclusive climate governance in Southeast Asia: Lessons learned from gender-responsive climate mitigation
So-Young Lee and Eric Zusman
Part VII Climate Justice Movements and Struggles
30. "Climate change is about us": The NAACP, fence-line communities, and the grounding of climate justice
Brandon Derman
31. Mother Earth and climate justice: Indigenous peoples’ perspectives of an alternative development paradigm
Alan Jarandilla Nuñez
32. Negotiating climate Justice at the subnational scale: Challenges and collaborations between indigenous peoples and governments
Colleen Scanlan Lyons, Maria DiGiano, Jason Gray, Javier Kinney, Magaly Medeiros, Francisca Oliveira de Lima Costa and Francisca Arará
33. Understanding the crises, uncovering the root causes, and envisioning the world(s) we want: Conversations with the anti-pipeline movements in Canada
Jen Gobby and Kristian Gareau
Part VIII Emerging Areas in Climate Justice
34. Beyond the academy: Reflecting on public engagement about climate justice
Sonja Klinsky
35. Climate migration: The emerging need for a human centred approach
Sennan Mattar and Enyinnaya Mbakwem
36. Climate justice education: From social movement learning to schooling
Callum McGregor, Eurig Scandrett, Beth Christie and Jim Crowther
37. Transformative approaches to address climate change and achieve climate justice
Dunja Krause
38. Conclusion
Tahseen Jafry