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Human Rights in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan (eBook)

Ian NearyUniversity of Essex

ISBN13: 9781134515585
ISBN: 0415258081
Published: January 2002
Publisher: Routledge
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £31.66
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The question of human rights in Asia is a topical and controversial issue. The United Nations Charter commits its members to contradictory principles; on the one hand it forbids interference in another country's affairs, and on the other, aims to guarantee rights and freedoms irrespective of race, sex, language and religion. This conflict is nowhere more apparent than in Asia, where the debate about 'Asian Values' has intensified following the economic slump. Some Asian countries have resisted the development of international human rights standards as an imposition of Western ideals onto non-Western political and social systems, a move which they are keen to resist, partly because of the exposure to external criticism which results from such involvements. Debate about the relevance of human rights to Asian societies has thus far focused on either evidence from single country studies or dealt with the issues at a very broad, abstract level. This book looks in detail at the history of the introduction of human rights ideas into Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, and examines how and to what affect state and society have incorporated the specific international standards on children and pa

1. Introduction 2. Human Rights in Japan 3. Human Rights in South Korea 4. Human Rights in Taiwan (Republic of China) 5. Patients' Rights 6. Patients' Rights in Japan 7. Patients' Rights in Korea 8. Patients' Rights in Taiwan 9. Patients' Rights in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan - Comparative Aspects 10. The Rights of the Child 11. The Rights of the Child in Japan 12. Childrens' Rights in Korea 13. Childrens' Rights in Taiwan 14. Childrens' Rights in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan - Comparative Aspects 15. Conclusion