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The Arbitration Act 1996: A Commentary 5th ed (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781118853382
Published: May 2014
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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The most readable, useful, practical and user-friendly guide to the Arbitration Act 1996.

The Arbitration Act 1996 is a section by section commentary on the Act, which Lord Bingham described as “intensely practical and admirably user-friendly” when it was first published. The fifth edition has been updated by considering in excess of 300 new cases decided since publication of the 4th edition. In addition there have been some significant changes to the Model Law since publication of the previous edition, (which take it into areas where UK arbitration does not go), and these changes are documented, updated and commented upon. In previous editions, the authors have limited themselves to mentioning states conclusively declared to be parties to the New York Convention by Order in Council. This tends to follow some way behind the current position, however, so a more comprehensive coverage of states which are parties to the New York Convention is included. The result is a thorough update, providing the most readable and useful guide to the Act.

  • Provides a section by section commentary on the Act and covers all the key cases
  • Published in conjunction with the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and used by them as a recommended training text
  • The bestseller of the four original guides to the 1996 Act
  • Written by three practising arbitrators, two of whom are also practising barristers

Construction Law, eBooks, Arbitration and Alternative Dispute Resolution
1. Materials
A. Arbitration Clauses
B. Agreements Prior to or on Constitution of Arbitration
C. Agreements as to Tribunal and Court Powers
D. Checklist for Preliminary Meetings
E. Agreement with Arbitrator on Resignation
F. Checklist for Awards
G. Agreements as to Costs
H. General Note on Arbitration Claims

2. The Arbitration Act 1996
Text of the Act and Commentary
Arrangement of Sections

3. Appendices
The Arbitration Act 1996 (Commencement No.
1) Order 1996
The Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts Regulations 1999
The Arbitration Act 1950, Part II
Table of Cases
Index to Commentary