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The Eclipse of Classical Thought in China and The West (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781108960076
Published: June 2022
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £25.99
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For centuries, the starting points for serious thought about ethics, justice, and government were traditions founded, in China by Confucius, and in the West by his near contemporary Socrates. In both classical traditions, norms were based on human nature; to contravene these norms was to deny part of one's humanity. The Chinese and Western philosophical traditions have often been regarded as mutually unintelligible. This book shows that the differences can only be understood by examining where they converge. It describes the role of these traditions in two political achievements: the formation of the constitutions of Song dynasty China and the American Republic. Both traditions went into eclipse for similar reasons but with quite different consequences: in China, the growth of absolutism, and in the West, the inability of modern political and ethical thought to defend the most fundamental values.

Jurisprudence, eBooks
Part I. Two Ancient Traditions:
1. The beginnings of ethical philosophy
2. The challenge to virtue and the discovery of human nature
3. A normative psychology
4. The universality of normative standards
5. Justice, propriety and the common good
6. Government
Part II. The Formation of Two Constitutions:
7. A confucian empire: song dynasty China
8. A democratic republic: the United States of America
Part III. The Eclipse of Classical Thought:
9. Neo-confucianiam
10. The path to orthodoxy
11. The rise and fall of western rationalism
12. The search for alternatives
13. Conclusion
