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The Development of the Law of the Sea by UNCLOS Dispute Settlement Bodies

ISBN13: 9781108845632
Published: February 2023
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £85.00

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This is the first study to provide both a systematic assessment of the ways by which the dispute settlement bodies of the United Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) contribute to the development of the law of the sea and an exposition of the factors that explain such contribution. The book analyses UNCLOS dispute settlement bodies' decisions and the legal reasoning in key areas of the law of the sea. It further examines the factors that impact the decision-making process of UNCLOS tribunals to explain the parameters within which UNCLOS tribunals operate and how this impacts their ability and willingness to develop the law. The book provides a unique reference point for lecturers, researchers and students of international law, particularly law of the sea, as well as practitioners and government advisors who wish to gain comprehensive insights into the functioning and the role of the UNCLOS dispute settlement system.

Public International Law
1. Introduction and theoretical framework
2. coastal states' rights and obligations under the law of the sea
3. Flag states' rights and obligations under the law of the sea
4. maritime entitlement and maritime delimitation
5. Protection of the marine environment
6. Procedural rules on dispute settlement
7. The contribution of UNCLOS tribunals to the development of the law of the sea