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Functional Responsibility of International Organisations: The European Union and International Economic Law

ISBN13: 9781108838887
Published: December 2021
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £100.00

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This book provides a novel approach to the allocation of international responsibility in a multilayered structure like the European Union. Introducing a new concept of functional international responsibility, this study finds that in international economic law the focus of international dispute settlement bodies is not on the responsible party, but on a party best placed to bear responsibility. The book offers a comprehensive analysis of international rules of responsibility and international dispute settlement practice, primarily that of the World Trade Organization and investment arbitration. The study offers a practically applicable approach to questions of international responsibility which will assist international adjudicators, EU and Member States' officials and third country government agents who negotiate economic agreements and are involved in international economic disputes. The book is also relevant to those interested in the governance and accountability questions under the new EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement.

Law and Economics
1. Introduction
Part I. The Legal Foundations of the International Responsibility of the European Union:
2. The governing law
3. Independent responsibility of the EU and its member states
4. The concept of an organ and agent of the EU
Part II. Functional International Responsibility:
5. The nature of remedies in international economic law
6. Identification of the proper respondents
7. The optimal respondent
8. Multiple respondents in WTO dispute-settlement
9. Normative implications for the EU's free trade agreements
10. Conclusions