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How to End a War: Essays on Justice, Peace, and Repair

Edited by: Graham Parsons, Mark Wilson

ISBN13: 9781108834285
Published: March 2023
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £85.00

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How and when should we end a war? What place should the pathways to a war's end have in war planning and decision-making? This volume treats the topic of ending war as part and parcel of how wars begin and how they are fought – a unique, complex problem, worthy of its own conversation. New essays by leading thinkers and practitioners in the fields of philosophical ethics, international relations, and military law reflect on the problem and show that it is imperative that we address not only the resolution of war, but how and if a war as waged can accommodate a future peace. The essays collectively solidify the topic and underline its centrality to the future of military ethics, strategy, and war.

Introduction: 'the ethics of war after the longest war' Graham Parsons and Mark Wilson
1. 'The lament of the demobilized' Cheyney Ryan
2. 'Moral injury and moral failure' Lisa Tessman 3. 'Stoic grit, moral injury and resilience' Nancy Sherman
4. 'Political humiliation and the sense of replacement' Nir Eisikovits
5. 'Minimum moral thresholds at war's end' Colleenmurphy
6. 'Endling endless wars' Alex J. Bellamy
7. 'Forever wars: time and value in war' David Rodin
8. 'Two conceptions of the proportionality budget for Jus Ex Bello' Darrel Moellendorf
9. 'Toward a post bellum lieber code' Daniel Maurer
10. 'Reconciliation is justice – and a strategy for military victory' Daniel Philpott