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The Cambridge Handbook of Shareholder Engagement and Voting

ISBN13: 9781108830881
Published: September 2022
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £160.00
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9781108823708

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All over the world, companies play an important role in the economy. Different types of stakeholders hold the reins in these companies. An important class are the shareholders that finance the activities of these companies. In return, stakeholders have a say on how these companies should be organized and structure their activities. This is primarily done through voting and engaging. These mechanisms of voting and engaging allow the shareholders to decide significant aspects of the company structure, from who governs it to how much directors are paid. However, how shareholders vote and engage and how far their rights stretch are organized differently in different countries.

This pioneering book provides insights into what rights these shareholders have and how the shareholders of companies in nineteen different jurisdictions participate in corporate life through voting and engaging. Comparative and international in scope, it pays particular attention to how jurisdictions align and differ around the world.

Company Law
1. Shareholder voting and engagement: an introduction
Chao Xi and Anne Lafarre
Part I. Asia:
2.Shareholder voting and engagement in China
Chao Xi
3. Shareholder engagement and voting in Hong Kong
Lauren Yu-Hsin Lin
4. Shareholder engagement and voting in India
Harpreet Kaur
5. Corporate governance and shareholder engagement practices in Indonesia: a shifting paradigm
Ulya Yasmine Prisandani and Kartika Paramita
6. Shareholder engagement and voting in Japan
Gen Goto
7. Shareholder engagement and voting in Singapore
Wai Yee Wan
8. Shareholder engagement and voting in South Korea
Seung Young Yoon
9. Shareholder voting and engagement in Taiwan
Chang-Hsien Tsai and Chao-Tsung Huang
Part II. Australia and North America:
10. Shareholder engagement and voting in Australia
Roman Tomasic and Anil Hargovan
11. Shareholder engagement and voting in Canada
Poonam Puri and Ankita Gupta
12. Shareholder engagement in the United States
Vikramaditya S. Khanna
Part III. Europe:
13. Shareholder democracy in Denmark: contrasting law on the books and law in practice
Hanne S. Birkmose and Karsten Engsig Sørensen
14. Shareholder engagement and voting in France
Christoph Van der Elst
15. Shareholder engagement in Germany
Florian Möslein and Christopher Rennig
16. Shareholder engagement and voting in Greece
Vassilis Tountopoulos and Rigas Giovannopoulos
17. Shareholder engagement and voting in Italy
Gaia Balp and Giovanni Strampelli
18. Shareholder voting and engagement in Norway
Berte-Elen Konow
19. Shareholder voting and engagement in the Netherlands: the Dutch institutional approach
Anne Lafarre
20. Shareholder engagement and voting in the United Kingdom
Suren Gomtsyan
Part IV. Comparative Perspectives:
21. Shareholder engagement and corporate voting in a comparative perspective
Anne Lafarre
22. Shareholder engagement and corporate voting in action: the comparative perspective
Christoph Van der Elst
23. Shareholder engagement and voting: where does the future lie?
Chao Xi