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Law and the Party in China: Ideology and Organisation

Edited by: Rogier J.E.H. Creemers, Susan Trevaskes

ISBN13: 9781108818919
Published: July 2022
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2020)
Price: £22.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781108836357

Despatched in 6 to 8 days.

In the Xi Jinping era, it has become clear that the rule of law, as understood in the West, will not appear in China soon. But was this ever a likely option? This book argues China's legal system needs to be studied from an internal perspective, to take into account the characteristic architecture of China's Party-state. To do so, it addresses two key elements: ideology and organisation. Part One of the book discusses ideology and the law, exploring how the Chinese Communist Party conceives of the nature of law and its position within its broader range of policy tools. Part Two, on organisation and the law, reviews how these ideological principles manifest themselves in the application of law, as well as the reform of the Party-state. As such, it highlights how the Party's plans and approaches run counter to mainstream theoretical expectations, and advocates a greater attention to the inherent logic of the system itself.

Other Jurisdictions , China
1. Ideology and Organisation in Chinese law: Towards a New Paradigm for Legality
Rogier Creemers and Susan Trevaskes
Part I. Ideology and the Party in Law:
2. Party Ideology and Chinese Law
Rogier Creemers
3. Making Sense through Ideology
Gloria Davies
4. The Conception of Legality Under Xi Jinping
Ewan Smith
5. Law-Morality Ideology in the Xi Jinping
Era Delia Lin and Susan Trevaskes
Part II. Ideology and the Party in Law and Organisation:
6. Seeking Truthful Names: The External Implications of China's Internal Ideology and Organisation
Margaret K. Lewis
7. The 'Organisational Weapon' of the Chinese Communist Party: China's Disciplinary Regime from Mao to Xi Jinping
Ling Li
8. Disorientation for the New Era: Intraparty Regulations and China's Changing Party-State Relations
Samuli Seppanen
9. Technologies of Risk and Discipline in China's Social Credit System
Adam Knight
Glossary of Chinese Terms: Political, Ideological and Philosophical Concepts and Slogans