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The Law of Political Economy: Transformation in the Function of Law

ISBN13: 9781108717274
Published: August 2022
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2020)
Price: £27.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781108493116

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This book develops the law of political economy as a new field of scholarly enquiry. Bringing together an exceptional group of scholars, it provides a novel conceptual framework for studying the role of law and legal instruments in political economy contexts, with a focus on historical transformations and central challenges in both European and global contexts. Its chapters reconstruct how the law of political economy plays out in diverse but central fields, ranging from competition and consumer protection law to labour and environmental law, giving a comprehensive overview of the central challenges of the law of political economy. It also provides a sophisticated and multifaceted framework for further enquires while outlining the contours of new law of political economy.

Law and Society
1. The law of political economy: an introduction
Poul F. Kjaer
Part I. Studying the Law of Political Economy:
2. The legal proprium of the economic constitution
Christian Joerges and Michelle Everson
3. The myth of democratic governance
Emilios Christodoulidis
4. A political economy of contemporary legality
Duncan Kennedy
Part II. Transformations of the Law of the Globalising Economy:
5. Law in global political economy: now you see it, now you don't
David Kennedy
6. Law of natural resource extraction and money as key to understanding global political economy and potential for its transformation
Isabel Feichtner
7. 'Social nature': political economy, science, and the law in the Anthropocene
Jaye Ellis
Part III. The Transformation of the Law of Political Economy in Europe:
8. The transformative politics of European private law
Hans-W. Micklitz
9. Socio-economic imaginaries and European private law
Marija Bartl
10. The transformative socio-economic effects of EU competition law: from producerism to consumerism
Jotte Mulder
11. On the vanishing functional autonomy of European labour law (and some dangerous counter-movements)
Stefano Giubboni
Part IV. Towards a New Law of Political Economy:
12. The future of law –'serial law'?
Karl-Heinz Ladeur
13. After governance? The idea of a private administrative law
Rodrigo Vallejo
14. The transnational dimension of constitutional rights: framing and taming 'private' governance beyond the state
Lars Viellechner
15. Counter-rights: on the trans-subjective potential of subjective rights
Gunther Tuebner