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The Justice of Visual Art: Creative State-Building in Times of Political Transition

ISBN13: 9781108714518
Published: April 2021
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2019)
Price: £30.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781108494397

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In the aftermath of mass conflict how is it possible to address violent and traumatic pasts, reconcile divided nations, and strengthen state institutions? This study explores the connections between transitional justice and visual art in order to answer that question. Garnsey argues that art can engage and shape ideas of justice. Art can be an inquiry into, and an alternative experience of, justice. Art embeds justice on different political levels - both local and global. Art becomes a radical form of political participation in times of transition. Arising out of extensive fieldwork at the Constitutional Court of South Africa and the South Africa Pavilion at the Venice Biennale, which included 130 interviews with key decision makers, the book provides the first substantive theoretical framework for understanding transitional justice and visual art, and develops novel conceptions of visual jurisprudence and cultural diplomacy as forms of transitional justice.

  • Provides the first substantive and comprehensive theoretical framework for understanding transitional justice and visual art, supported by extensive empirical social science research
  • Introduces highly original empirical social science research across two case studies, including 130 interviews with key decision makers (such as, senior judges, government representatives, artists, lawyers, staff and visitors) and archival material never before analysed in depth elsewhere
  • Demonstrates that transdisciplinary research across transitional justice, International Relations, and art theory generates productive and insightful contributions for the study of human rights and social science more broadly

1. Introduction
2. Art and justice in times of transition
Part I. Recognising Transitional Justice in the Nation State:
3. From prison to court
4. Shaping 'legal' space
5. The art of recognition
6. The visual jurisprudence of transition
Part II. Representing Transitional Justice on the Global Stage:
7. From banned to embraced
8. Mapping political art-scapes
9. The art of representation
10. The cultural diplomacy of Imaginary Fact
11. Conclusion