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Perspectives on Environmental Law Scholarship: Essays on Purpose, Shape and Direction

Edited by: Ole W. Pedersen

ISBN13: 9781108465984
Published: February 2020
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2018)
Price: £30.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781108475242

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This collection invites environmental law scholars to reflect on what it means to be an environmental law scholar and to consider how and why environmental law scholars engage in environmental law scholarship. Leading environmental law scholars from different backgrounds and jurisdictions offer their personal reflections on the nature, form, quality and challenges of environmental law scholarship. The collection offers the first honest introspection on what environmental law scholarship is and is not. It considers the unique contributions of environmental law scholarship to legal scholarship more generally, reflecting on what sets environmental law scholarship apart from other disciplines of legal scholarship and the challenges arising from these differences.

  • Leading environmental law scholars from different jurisdictions offer their personal reflections on environmental law
  • Examines complicated issues such as methodology, quality of scholarship, and the challenges of environmental law scholarship
  • Explores the nature and purpose of environmental law from the perspective of leading contributors from a variety of jurisdictions

Environmental Law
1. Introduction - Ole W. Pedersen
2. What legal scholarship can contribute to environmental law - Todd Aagaard
3. Back to basics: thinking about the craft of environmental law scholarship - Elizabeth Fisher
4. Environmental law scholarship: systematization, reform, explanation, and understanding - Daniel Bonilla Maldonado
5. (Un)-making the boundaries of environmental law scholarship: interdisciplinarity beyond the social sciences? - Margherita Pieraccini
6. Crossing disciplines in planning: a renewable energy case study - Maria Lee, Simon Lock, Lucy Natarajan and Yvonne Rydin
7. Economics and environmental law scholarship - Caroline Cecot and Michael Livermore
8. What is the point of international environmental law scholarship in the Anthropocene? - Tim Stephens
9. Reflections on the future of environmental law scholarship and methodology in the Anthropocene - Louis J. Kotzè
10. The unifying force of climate change scholarship - Dan Farber
11. Environmental law scholarship in a developing country – an alternative discourse - Camena Guneratne
12. President Trump, the New Chicago School and the future of environmental law and scholarship - Jason J. Czarnezki and Sarah Schindler
13. EU environmental law and European environmental law scholarship - Ludwig Krämer
14. The culture of environmental law and practices of environmental law scholarship - Ole W. Pedersen