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Hong Kong Competition Law: Comparative and Theoretical Perspectives

ISBN13: 9781108448123
Published: July 2023
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2021)
Price: £23.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781108427753

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This is the first academic monograph on the new competition law in Hong Kong. It provides an overview of the historical background of the Competition Ordinance, highlighting the debate and the process that led to the adoption of the Ordinance. It offers detailed comparative and theoretical analysis of the key provisions of the Ordinance, focusing on the First Conduct Rule, the Second Conduct Rule, the exclusions and exemptions, and the procedural provisions. It draws on overseas legislation and jurisprudence that inspired the provisions in the Ordinance and incorporates a detailed examination of the latest cases decided by the Competition Tribunal. It engages in relevant academic debates and theoretical analysis of how competition law in Hong Kong should develop in light of its unique economic and political contexts. It concludes by setting forth of a set of recommendations for further reform.

Other Jurisdictions , Hong Kong
1. Introduction
2. First conduct rule
3. Second conduct rule
4. Exclusions and exemptions
5. Enforcement and procedure
6. Conclusion