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Sex Offender Registration and Community Notification Laws: An Empirical Evaluation

ISBN13: 9781108411356
Published: September 2022
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: United States
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2021)
Price: £21.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781108420020

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Despite being in existence for over a quarter century, costing multiple millions of dollars and affecting the lives of hundreds of thousands of individuals, sex offender registration and notification (SORN) laws have yet to be subject to a book-length treatment of their empirical dimensions - their premises, coverage, and impact on public safety. This volume, edited by Wayne Logan and J.J. Prescott, assembles the leading researchers in the field to provide an in-depth look at what have come to be known as 'Megan's Laws', offering a social science-based analysis of one of the most important, and controversial, criminal justice system initiatives undertaken in modern times.

Criminal Law, Other Jurisdictions , USA
1. Origins and Evolution
Wayne A. Logan
2. Variations in the Structure and Operation of SORN Systems
Andrew J. Harris and Scott M. Walfield
3. Registries and Registrants: Research on the Composition of Registries
Alissa R. Ackerman
4. Law Enforcement and SORN
Richard Tewksbury and Kristen Zgoba
5. The Public and SORN Laws
Lisa L. Sample
6. The Ancillary Consequenvces of SORN
Kelly Socia
7. Offenders and SORN Laws
J.J. Prescott and Amanda Agan
8. Integrating the Etiology of Sexual Offending into Evidence-Based Policy and Practices
Jill S. Levenson
9. Junvenile Registration and Notification: Failed Policies That Must End
Elizazeth J. Letourneau