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Ancient Laws and Institutes of England: Comprising Laws Enacted under the Anglo-Saxon Kings from Aethelbirht to Cnut

Edited by: Benjamin Thorpe

ISBN13: 9781108045162
Published: March 2012
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback, 2 Volumes
Price: £99.99 - Unavailable at Publisher

Originally published for the Record Commissioners in 1840, this two-volume work remains a standard source for scholars of Anglo-Saxon and early Norman legal history. Benjamin Thorpe (1781?-1870) was a respected and prolific scholar and translator of Old English, whose publications in the field earned him a civil list pension in 1835. Trained in Copenhagen under Rasmus Rask, Thorpe advocated a scientific approach to philology, and this is reflected in the thoroughness of the notes, commentary, and concordance appended to the sources reprinted here. The preface to the text places the laws in their historical and geographical context, notes where there are unavoidable gaps in the evidence, and offers a descriptive analysis of the original documents. There is a parallel translation of the Anglo-Saxon text, although the original sources in Latin and Norman French remain untranslated.

Legal History
Volume 1: Preface
List of manuscripts and printed books
Anglo-Saxon Laws: The laws of King 'thelbirht
The laws of Kings Hlothhaere and Eadric
The laws of King Wihtraed
The laws of King Alfred
The laws of King Ine
Alfred and Guthrum's peace
The laws of King Edward
The laws of Edward and Guthrum
Of Wers
Of oaths
Of Wer-gilds
Of Mercian law
The laws of King 'thelstan
2. The laws of King Edmund
The laws of King Edgar
The laws of King Ethelred
Ordinance respecting the 'Dun-setas'
The laws of King Cnut
Rectitudines singularum personarum
Leges Regis Edwardi Confessoris
The laws of King William the Conqueror
Leges Regis Henrici Primi
Notes on the laws ascribed to King Henry I
Additional remarks
Table of concordance
Index. Volume 2: Monumenta Ecclesiastica: Theodori Arch. Cant. Liber Poenitentialis
Capitula et Fragmenta Theodori
Dialogus Ecgberti, Arch. Ebor.
Excerptiones Ecgberti, Arch. Ebor.
Confessionale Ecgberti, Arch. Ebor.
Poenitentiale Ecgberti, Arch. Ebor.
Of ecclesiastical compensations, or 'Bots'
Canons enacted under King Edgar
Law of the Northumbrian priests
Institutes of polity, civil and ecclesiastical
The canons of Aelfric
Aelfric's pastoral epistle
Aelfric's epistle, entitled 'Quando dividis Chrisma'
Ecclesiastical institutes
Legum Anglo-Saxonicarum. Versio Antiqua: Leges Aluredi Regis West-Saxonum
Leges Inae Regis West-Saxiae
Foedus inter Alfredum et Guthrum
Leges Regis Edwardi
Leges Regum Alfredi et Godrini
De weregildis
De juramentis
De weregildis singularum personarum cum Anglis
De eodem in Mercennorum laga
De veteri consuetudine promotionum
Leges Aethelstani
Leges Regis Eadmundi
Leges Regis Eadgari
Institutiones Aethelredi Regis
Senatus consultum de Monticolis Walliae
Leges Regis Cnuti
Monumentorum Ecclesiasticorum. Versio Antiqua: De emendatione et infractura ordinis
De officio episcopi