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This book is now Out of Print.
A new edition was published, see:
An Introduction to International Criminal Law and Procedure 4th ed isbn 9781108741613

An Introduction to International Criminal Law and Procedure 3rd ed

ISBN13: 9781107698833
New Edition ISBN: 9781108741613
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780521135818
Published: June 2014
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: Out of print
Hardback edition out of print, ISBN13 9781107065901

By offering both a comprehensive update and new material reflecting the continuing development of the subject, this textbook continues to be the leading textbook on international criminal law. Its experienced author team draws on its combined expertise as teachers, scholars and practitioners to offer an authoritative survey of the field.

The new edition contains new material on the theory of international criminal law, the practice of international criminal tribunals, the developing case law on principles of liability and procedures and new practice on immunities.

It offers valuable supporting online materials such as case studies, worked examples and study guides. Retaining its comprehensive coverage, clarity and critical analysis, it remains essential reading for all in the field.

International Criminal Law
Part I. Introduction:
1. Introduction: what is international criminal law?
2. The aims, objectives and justification of international criminal law

Part II. Prosecutions in National Courts:
3. Jurisdiction
4. National prosecutions of international crimes
5. State cooperation with respect to national proceedings

Part III. International Prosecutions:
6. The history of international criminal prosecutions: Nuremberg and Toyko
7. The ad hoc international criminal tribunals
8. The International Criminal Court
9. Other courts with international elements

Part IV. Substantive Law of International Crimes:
10. Genocide
11. Crimes against humanity
12. War crimes
13. Aggression
14. Transitional crimes, terrorism and torture
15. General principles of liability
16. Defences/grounds for excluding criminal responsibility
17. Procedures of international criminal investigations and prosecutions
18. Victims in the international criminal process
19. Sentencing and penalties

Part V. Relationship Between National and International Systems:
20. State cooperation with the International Courts and Tribunals
21. Immunities
22. Alternative and complements to criminal prosecution
23. The future of international criminal law.