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A Manual of Roman Private Law 2nd ed

ISBN13: 9781107646698
Previous Edition ISBN: 005008
Published: January 2012
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 1939)
Price: £46.99

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First published in 1939, this book is the second edition of a 1939 original. Aimed at beginners, it sets forth the main principles of Roman Law from both classical and later times, avoiding discussion of the problems involved in a more advanced study of the subject.

Chapters are divided into three broad areas, concerning laws relating to persons, things and actions. An additional discussion of the sources and arrangement of laws is also provided. This book will be of value to anyone with an interest in Roman law and legal history.

Roman Law and Greek Law
Short list of books
1. Sources of law
2. Arrangements and classifications of the law
3. Persons: slavery and citizenship
4. Persons: the family. Persons alieni iuris
5. Persons: The family. Persons sui iuris
6. Things. Property. Modes of acquisition iure civili
7. Things. Property. Modes of acquisition iure naturali
8. Things. Rights in rem less than ownership. Power of acquisition and alienation through others
9. Things. Universal succession. Wills
10. Things. Wills. Legacies, etc.
11. Things. Succession on intestacy. Bonorum possessio. Other cases of universal succession
12. Things. Obligations. Formal contracts
13. Things. Obligations. Contracts re and consensu: innominate contracts
14. Things. Obligations. Pacts. Agency. Quasi-contract. Delict. Quasi-delict
15. Things. Obligations. Incidental rules. Plurality of parties. Security for debt
16. Actions. Classification. The systems of procedure
17. Actions. Structure of the formula. Incidents of procedure. Praetorian remedies
Appendix. Examples of Formulae