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Order within Anarchy: The Laws of War as an International Institution

ISBN13: 9781107626775
Published: October 2014
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £28.99

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Order within Anarchy focuses on how the laws of war create strategic expectations about how states and their soldiers will act during war, which can help produce restraint.

The success of the laws of war depends on three related factors: compliance between warring states and between soldiers on the battlefield, and control of soldiers by their militaries. A statistical study of compliance of the laws of war during the twentieth century shows that joint ratification strengthens both compliance and reciprocity, compliance varies across issues with the scope for individual violations, and violations occur early in war.

Public International Law
1. Introduction
2. Common conjectures, norms, and identities
3. The laws of war in their strategic context
4. Modeling minutia
5. Patterns of compliance with the laws of war during the twentieth century
6. Statistical gore
7. Spoilt darlings? Treatment of prisoners of war during the World Wars
8. Assessing variation across issues: aerial bombing, chemical weapons, treatment of civilians, and conduct on the high seas
9. Dynamics of common conjectures: the rational evolution of norms
10. Conclusion: current issues and policy insights.