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A Selection of Cases Illustrative of the Law of Contract: Based on the Collection of G. B. Finch Reissue

ISBN13: 9781107455740
Published: January 2015
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £38.99

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Originally published in 1922, this book contains an overview of a number of cases that established important precedents in English contract law. The topics covered include the general principles of party capacities, questions on the reality of consent, unlawful agreements, and discharge of contacts. This detailed book will be of value to anyone with an interest in British legal history.

Contract Law, Legal History
1. Offer and acceptance
2. Form of contract
3. Consideration
4. Capacity of parties
5. Reality of consent
6. Unlawful agreements
7. Agency
8. Discharge
9. Remedies for breach of contract
10. Interpretation of contracts
11. The assignment of contracts.