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Incomprehensible! A Study of How Our Legal System Encourages Incomprehensibility, Why It Matters, and What We Can Do About It

ISBN13: 9781107400887
Published: July 2019
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £30.99

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The legal system is awash with excessive and incomprehensible information. Yet many of us assume that the unrelenting torrent of information pouring into various legal programs is both inevitable and unstoppable. We have become complacent; but it does not have to be this way.

Incomprehensible! argues that surrendering to incomprehensibility is a bad mistake. Drawing together evidence from diverse fields such as consumer protection, financial regulation, patents, chemical control, and administrative and legislative processes, this book identifies a number of important legal programs that are built on the foundational assumption that 'more information is better'.

Each of these legal processes have been designed in ways that ignore the imperative of meaningful communication. To rectify this systemic problem, the law must be re-designed to pay careful attention to the problem of incomprehensibility.

  • Introduces the concept of 'comprehension asymmetries' as an important feature of legal design
  • Identifies how law incentivizes incomprehensibility, even for well-meaning actors
  • Provides a conceptual model for exploring comprehension asymmetries that transcends the six legal programs examined in the book

English Legal System
Part I. The Concept:
1. Introduction
2. Modeling comprehension asymmetries
3. The implications of comprehension asymmetries for the law
Part II. Application:
4. Comprehension asymmetries and consumer protection law
5A. Comprehension asymmetries in financial regulation
5B. Comprehension asymmetries in the law of patents
5C. Comprehension asymmetries in chemical regulation
6. Comprehension asymmetries in administrative process
7. Comprehension asymmetries in legislative processes
Part III. System-Wide Reform:
8. A blueprint for reform