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A Historical Introduction to English Law: Genesis of the Common Law

ISBN13: 9781107090583
Published: May 2023
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £90.00
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9781107462731

Despatched in 5 to 7 days.

There are some stories that need to be told anew to every generation. This book tells one such story. It explores the historical origins of the common law and explains why that story needs to be understood by all who study or come into contact with English law. The book functions as the prequel to what students learn during their law degrees or for the SQE. It can be read in preparation for, or as part of, modules introducing the study of English law or as a starting point for specialist modules on legal history or aspects of legal history. This book will not only help students understand and contextualise their study of the current law but it will also show them that the options they have to change the law are greater than they might assume from just studying the current law.

Legal History
Prologue: The Man of Law's Tale
1. The need for legal history
2. The architects of legal history
3. The Anglo-Saxon legacy
4. The Norman Conquest (c.1066–1154)
5. The father of the common law (c.1154–1215)
6. The myth of Magna Carta (c.1215–1272)
7. The English Justinian (c.1272–1307)
8. The Black Death (c.1307–1485)
9. The Tudor transformation (c.1485–1603)
10. The Stuart suicide (c.1603–1649)
Epilogue: Destiny of the common law