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Linking Global Trade and Human Rights: New Policy Space in Hard Economic Times

Edited by: Danie Drache, Lesley A. Jacobs

ISBN13: 9781107047174
Published: March 2014
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9781107633896

During the global economic crisis of 2008, countries around the world used national policy spaces to respond to the crisis in ways that shed new light on the possibilities for linkages between international trade and human rights.

This book introduces the idea of policy space as an innovative way to reframe recent developments in global governance. It brings together a wide-ranging group of leading experts in international law, trade, human rights, political economy, international relations, and public policy who have been asked to reflect on this important development in globalization. Their multidisciplinary contributions provide explanations for the changing global landscape for national policy space, clearly illustrate instances of this change, and project the future paths for policy development in social and economic policy spaces, especially with reference to linkages between international trade and human rights in countries from the Global North as well as Brazil, China, and India.

Human Rights and Civil Liberties, International Trade
Part I. Trade Governance and Human Rights:
1. Humanising global economic governance Sol Picciotto
2. The promise of linking human rights and trade Ernest-Ulrich Petersmann
3. Free trade agreements and global policy space after the great recession Jorge Heine and Joseph Turcott

Part II. Global Protest and Innovation from Below:
4. From Seattle to occupy: the shifting focus of social protest Tomer Broude
5. What's next for global labour? Power dynamics and industrial relations systems in a hyperglobalized world Daniel Drache
6. Global tobacco control and trade liberalization: new policy spaces? Lesley Jacobs

Part III. Paradigm Shifts and Structural Change:
7. Business, policy spaces, and governance in India Kuldeep Mathur
8. India's pharmaceutical industry: policy space that fosters technological capability Amit Ray and Saradindu Bhaduri

Part IV. Contested Policy Spaces in Social Welfare:
9. Reducing poverty in Brazil: finding policy space for meeting developmental needs Kathryn Hochstetler
10. The global health policy agenda and shrinking policy spaces in the post crisis landscape Ron Labonte
11. The World Trade Organization and food security after the global food crises Matias Margulis

Part V. Innovations in International Human Rights: 12. Decent work for domestic workers as a new policy space Adelle Blackett
13. Is there policy space for human rights linkages in China's trade and investment strategy? Ljiljana Biukovic

Part VI. China's Evolving State Policy and Practices: 14. Human rights and social justice in China Pitman Potter
15. New policy space for collective bargaining in China Sarah Biddulph
16. Industrial relations in post-transition China: the challenges of inequality and social conflict Chang-Hee Lee.