Part I. Accountability and Sustainability in International Law:
1. The sustainability of international criminal law Sebastien Jodoin
2. Introduction criminal justice, sustainable development, and international law Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger
3. Crime, structure, harm Gerry Simpson
4. The case for a general international crime against the environment Frederic Megret
Part II. International Crimes and Sustainable Development:
5. Environmental damages and international criminal law Matthew Gillett
6. Violations of social and economic rights and international crimes Salim Nakhjavani
7. Cultural heritage and international criminal law Roger O'Keefe
8. The crime of aggression and threats to the future Alexandra R. Harrington
Part III. International Criminal Justice and Sustainable Development:
9. Intergenerational equity and rights in international criminal law Jarrod Hepburn
10. Corporate liability and complicity in international crimes Ken Roberts
11. The contribution of international criminal justice to sustainable peace and development Fannie Lafontaine and Alain-Guy Tachou Sipowo
12. Reparations for victims and sustainable development Pubudu Sachithanandan
Part IV. Building a Sustainable Future for International Criminal Justice:
13. Sustainable development, conflicts, and international crimes Charles Seguin
14. Transitional justice and peace building for the future: diagnosing and addressing the socioeconomic roots of violence through a human rights and intergenerational framework Lisa J. Laplante
15. Protecting the majority of humanity: toward an integrated approach to crimes against present and future generations Riane Eisler
16. The responsibility to prevent: early warning systems to protect future generations Maja Gopel
17. Conclusion: protecting the rights of future generations through existing and new international criminal law Sebastien Jodoin.
Series: Treaty Implementation for Sustainable Development