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Asbestos Claims: Law, Practice and Procedure 4th ed

Edited by: Stephen Glynn

ISBN13: 9781068605413
Previous Edition ISBN: 9780993470806
Published: July 2024
Publisher: Deka Chambers
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback, A4
Price: £95.00

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Asbestos induced illness claims have been the subject of much judicial scrutiny over the years and there has been no let up since the last edition of this publication with a number of landmark decisions since then.

Containing concise but informative analysis on the history and prevalence of asbestos, breach of both common law and statutory duty, causation of all asbestos diseases, apportionment and damages, identifying the appropriate defendant and how to proceed against defunct companies and their insurers. It also contains up to date and practical guidance from Master Eastman on case management and procedure. This new edition also has up to the minute detail on the treatment and management of asbestos diseases from Dr Davies, a consultant respiratory physician long experienced in treating asbestos disease victims and preparing medico legal reports.

This fourth edition contains a number of expanded sections including in respect of damages and analysis of the judgments in Bussey, Bannister and most recently the conjoined appeals in White and Cuthbert. A must have for both experienced and new practitioners in the field.

Personal Injury Law
Editorial Team
Foreword to the First Edition
Foreword to the Second Edition;
Foreword to the Third Edition
Foreword to the Fourth Edition;
Table of Cases
Table of Statutes
Table of Statutory Instruments
Chapter 1: History and Prevalence;
Chapter 2: Diseases Caused by Asbestos
Chapter 3: Breach of Duty;
Chapter 4: Causation, Apportionment and Contributory Negligence;
Chapter 5: Damages;
Chapter 6: Limitation
Chapter 7: Identifying Defendants and Their Insurers;
Chapter 8: Court Procedure and Case Management;
Chapter 9: Insolvent Defendants;