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The Routledge Handbook of Law and Death (eBook)

Edited by: Marc Trabsky, Imogen Jones

ISBN13: 9781040166628
Published: October 2024
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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The Routledge Handbook of Law and Death provides a comprehensive survey of contemporary scholarship on the intersections of law and death in the twenty-first century.

It showcases how socio-legal scholars have contributed to the critical turn in death studies and how the sociology of death has impacted upon the discipline of law. In bringing together prominent academics and emerging experts from a diverse range of disciplines, the handbook shows how far from shunning questions of mortality, legal institutions incessantly talk about death. Touching upon the epistemologies and materialities of death, and problems of contested deaths and posthumous harms, the handbook questions what is distinctive about the disciplinary alignment of law and death, how law regulates and manages death in the everyday, and how thinking with law can enrich our understandings of the presence of death in our lives.

In a time when the world is facing global inequalities in living and dying, and legal institutions are increasingly interrogating their relationships to death, this handbook makes for essential reading for scholars, students and practitioners in law, humanities and the social sciences.

Jurisprudence, eBooks
Law and Death: Mapping the Terrain
Marc Trabsky and Imogen Jones

Part 1: Epistemologies of Death
1. Cryptic Comments
Desmond Manderson
2. Beyond Denial: A Sociological Investigation of the Normative Order of Death
Zohreh BayatRizi
3. Another Law of the Dead? Legal Personhood, Death and Time in Anglo-Saxon Jurisprudence
James Martel
4. Deaths in the Mud: Law and Grievable Lives in Minas Gerais
Maria Fernanda Salcedo Repolês and Edward Kirton-Darling
5. Colonial Law as Nomocide
Maria Giannacopoulos
6. Thanatopolitics of Law
Marc Trabsky

Part 2: Materialities of Death
7. Humic Lawscapes
Joshua DM Shaw
8. The Grave as a Contested Space
Kate Falconer
9. The Role and Repercussions of Law in Contested Funerals and Contested Memorials
Heather Conway
10. Caring for the Dead: The Role of Anatomical Pathology Technologists in Medico-legal Autopsies
Imogen Jones
11. Sublime Executions and Material Affections: Law, Aesthetics, and the Death Penalty
Sabrina Gilani

Part 3: Contested Deaths
12. Coronial Investigations: Past Deaths and Future Lives
Jessica Jacobson, Alexandra Murray, Hannah Rumble and Lorna Templeton
13. Feedback Loops, Vulnerable Populations and the Coronial Determination of Suicide
Belinda Carpenter, Ella Tait and Claire Ferguson
14. Account-giving and the Justification of Racial Violence in Inquests of Black People Killed by Police
Carson Cole Arthur
15. Contested Death and the Coronial Jurisdiction
Rebecca Scott Bray
16. Contested Deaths and the Public Inquiry in Healthcare: Where the Norm Becomes the Exception
Hamish Robertson, David J Carter and Joanne Travaglia
17. The Right to Life and Learning Lessons from Death
Stuart Wallace

Part 4: Posthumous Harms
18. Ambivalent Parallels in Registration and Certification of (Live) Birth, Stillbirth and Miscarriage
Karolina Kuberska and Sheelagh McGuinness
19. Posthumous Photographic Images
Remigius N Nwabueze
20. When Birth and Death Collide: Maternal Infanticide and the Illusive Born Alive Rule
Emma Milne
21. Corporate Homicide
Penny Crofts and Honni van Rijswijk
22. Killing as an Operation of the Civil Law: Two Examples of Roman Jurisprudence
Edward Mussawir
23. Death and the Challenges of Distant Affectivity: Liminal Narratives at the International Criminal Court
Caroline Fournet and Adina-Loredana Nistor