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EU Digital Markets Law: A Concise Guide to the Regulations and Directives on IT and Media Law

ISBN13: 9781035355471
To be Published: April 2025
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £55.00

There is a plethora of new and older instruments from the EU designed to regulate the digital space, and this unique Practical Guide presents a systematic overview of the Regulations and Directives in the context of the subject matter they relate to, helping the reader navigate the field of information and communications technology (IT) law in the EU. Coverage of regulatory regimes includes the law on electronic communications, data security, data protection and data economy, with key legislative instruments and major court decisions explained.

Key Features:

  • Provides practical perspectives on relevant legislation
  • Evaluates IT Regulations and Directives in force in the EU
  • Considers the emerging challenges of artificial intelligence in the context of the EU digital market

This Practical Guide is a valuable resource for practitioners, researchers and stakeholders seeking to broaden their understanding of EU digital regulation. Students and scholars in European law, information and media law, internet and technology law, and telecommunications law will also find this to be a helpful starting point.

EU Law, IT, Internet and Artificial Intelligence Law
Note on the usage of this book
List of abbreviations
1. Introduction to Information- and Communications
Technology Law in the European Union
2. Electronic Communications Law
3. Electronic Contracts Law
4. Data Security Law
5. Data Protection Law
6. Data Economy Law
7. Final Remarks on EU Digital Markets