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African Free Trade Agreements and Intellectual Property

ISBN13: 9781035328949
Published: February 2024
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £105.00

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This informative book examines the intellectual property (IP) provisions of the sub-regional, continental and international Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) that have been implemented by African countries to facilitate trade and promote economic integration. Michael Blakeney and Getachew Mengistie Alemu explain how FTAs can be used when setting IP standards in order to influence the ongoing effort to develop effective international agreements with Africa.

African Free Trade Agreements and Intellectual Property details the national, sub-regional and continental structure of African IP laws and their relationship to the FTAs entered into by African states and sub-regional groupings. The book explores a broad range of topics including the socio-economic challenges of African countries, the African continental IP arrangements, Agenda 2063, cultural and biodiversity legislation. Looking ahead, the book recommends using IP to better support African countries in relation to biopiracy, access to genetic resources, the equitable sharing of benefits from the exploitation of those resources and the protection of traditional knowledge, cultural expressions and folklore.

This book will be an insightful read for researchers and students specialising in intellectual property law, international economic law, trade law and public international law. Providing an in-depth examination of IP and FTA agreements in Africa, this book will also be of benefit to policy-makers and legal practitioners working in the field.

Intellectual Property Law, Other Jurisdictions , Africa
1. Overview of the socio-economic profile of and challenges
faced by African countries
2. Sub-regional and regional trade agreements
3. African Continental Free Trade Agreement
4. The intellectual property system in Africa
5. African continental intellectual property arrangements
6. FTAs and African IP arrangements
7. African countries’ membership of international IP agreements
8. Biodiversity
9. Preserving Africa’s culture
10. FTAs, IP, and economic development