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Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Legal Education

Edited by: Fiona Cownie, Anthony Bradney, Emma Jones

ISBN13: 9781035302925
Published: January 2025
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £230.00

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This Concise Encyclopedia provides a thorough overview of legal education and explores diverse topics including the use of digital skills in law schools, and the intersection between law and economics and law and humanities. Carefully curated, it presents an invaluable survey of legal pedagogy.

Incisive and informative, the Encyclopedia considers different jurisdictions around the world, dissecting the history, contemporary situation and regulation of legal education and enabling the reader to make global comparisons. Entries include analyses of topics including pro-bono initiatives and public legal education in prisons. They cover key perspectives and approaches, from the traditional to the innovative and experimental, such as AI and game-based learning.

The Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Legal Education is an essential resource for students and academics interested in law and society, legal education, and teaching methods in law. Its content will also be of value to other professionals and practitioners in the field.

Key Features:

  • Over 110 entries written by leading scholars and practitioners in the field
  • Cross-referencing to help link themes and perspectives
  • A range of contemporary topics that highlight different approaches to legal education across Africa, Asia, Europe, North and South America, and Oceania

Legal Skills and Method
Preface xiii
1. Academic skills in legal education 1
Jessica Guth
2. Adjunct professors and legal pracademics 4
Fiona Cownie
3. AI literacies in legal education 7
Ann Thanaraj
4. Alternative Dispute
Resolution and legal education 11
Ben Waters
5. Argentina (contemporary legal education) 15
Carlos Lista
6. Argentina (history of legal education) 19
Carlos Lista
7. Argentina (regulation of contemporary legal education) 23
Martin Böhmer
8. Assessment in legal education 27
Annie Rochette and Gemma Smyth
9. Australia (contemporary legal education) 30
Alex Steel
10. Australia (history of university legal education) 35
Susan Bartie
11. Australia (regulation of legal education) 38
Alex Steel
12. Building community in the law school classroom 41
Susan L Brooks
13. Canada (contemporary legal education) 46
David Sandomierski
14. Canada (history of legal education) 50
Philip Girard
15. Canada (regulation of legal education) 54
Annie Rochette
16. Children, schools and legal education 57
Dawn Watkins and Abiodun
Michael Olatokun
17. China (contemporary legal education) 60
Ling Zhou
18. China (history of legal education) 64
Michael Palmer
19. China (regulation of legal education) 68
Ling Zhou
20. Class in legal education 72
Jessica Guth
21. Client interviewing in legal education 76
Dionne Cruickshank
22. Clinical legal education (for commerce) 79
Elaine Gregersen
23. Clinical legal education (for individuals) 82
Omar Madhloom
24. Clinical legal education (overview) 85
Sean Arthurs
25. Clinicians in legal education 88
Linden Thomas
26. Comparative legal education 92
Fiona Cownie
27. Contemplative practices in legal education 96
Anthony Cullen
28. Continuing professional development of legal professionals 99
Pamela Henderson
29. Creativity in legal education 103
Emma Jones
30. Critical legal studies 106
Ben Golder
31. Decolonising the legal curriculum 110
Shaimaa Abdelkarim
32. Design in legal education 115
Michael Doherty
33. Digital learning and legal education 119
Adrien Habermacher
34. Digital skills in legal education 123
Benedict Turner
35. Disability and legal education 126
Elisabeth Griffiths
36. Doctrinal legal education 130
Stephen Bailey
37. Emeriti positions 134
Carel Stolker
38. Emotions and soft skills in legal education 138
Emma Jones
39. Employability and legal education 141
Kate Galloway
40. England (contemporary legal education) 144
Avrom Sherr
41. England (history of legal education) 148
David Sugarman
42. England (regulation of legal education) 152
Steven Vaughan
43. Equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) and the law school 156
Peter Burdon
44. Ethnicity and legal education 159
Peter Burdon
45. Feminist legal education 162
Rosemary Auchmuty
46. France (contemporary legal education) 166
Sophie Boyron and Catherine Vincent
47. France (history of legal education) 169
Jean-Louis Halpérin
48. France (regulation of legal education) 172
Sophie Boyron and Catherine Vincent
49. Further education 176
Carol Edwards and Andrew Maxfield
50. Game based learning in legal education 179
Steven Montagu-Cairns
51. Gender and the law school 182
Lisa Webley
52. Germany (contemporary legal education) 186
Ulrike Schultz
53. History of legal education
in Germany 190
Emanuel V. Towfigh
54. Germany (regulation of legal education) 194
Emanuel V. Towfigh
55. Health justice partnerships 198
Caroline Strevens
56. Higher education 201
Julian Webb
57. India (contemporary legal education) 205
Shuvro Prosun Sarker and Prakash Sharma
58. India (history of legal education) 208
Shuvro Prosun Sarker and Prakash Sharma
59. India (regulation of legal education) 212
Shuvro Prosun Sarker and Prakash Sharma
60. Indigenous legal education 214
David Milward
61. Law and economics 217
Sebastian Peyer and Morten Hviid
62. Law and humanities 221
Gary Watt
63. Learned societies and associations of legal academics 225
Anthony Bradney
64. Legal education journals 228
Fiona Cownie and Emma Jones
65. Legal writing instructors 232
Ann Nowak
66. Mexico (contemporary legal education) 236
Lila Zaire Flores-Fernandez and Luis Alfonso Mora-Ruenes
67. Mexico (history of legal education) 240
Gabriela Talancón-Villegas and María José Gutiérrez-Rodríguez
68. Regulation of legal education in Mexico 244
Mariana Anahí Manzo and Sergio Iván Anzola-Rodríguez
69. Mooting and legal education 248
Kate Campbell-Pilling and
Katie Steiner
70. Negotiation and legal education 251
Rebecca Samaras
71. Neurodiversity and legal education 254
Luke Campbell and Gayle McKemey
72. Nigeria (contemporary legal education) 259
Ekokoi Solomon
73. Nigeria (history of legal education) 263
Ernest Ojukwu
74. Nigeria (regulation of legal education) 267
Ekokoi Solomon
75. Paralegal legal education 271
Jane Ching
76. Poland (contemporary legal
education) 275
Olga Piaskowska
77. Poland (history of legal education) 279
Aleksandra Partyk and Filip Cyuńczyk
78. Poland (regulation of legal education) 283
Piotr Piesiewicz
79. Police legal education 287
Rachael Aplin and Howard Atkin
80. Pre-qualification legal workplace experience 291
Jane Ching
81. Precarious employment and legal academics 294
Natalie Skead
82. Pro bono initiatives 298
Helena Whalen-Bridge
83. Problem-based learning 302
Caroline Hunter, Sarah Archer and Claire Illingworth
84. Professional identity formation of law students 306
Nina Holvast and Willem-Jan Kortleven
85. Professional identities of legal academics 310
Richard Collier
86. Professional legal education 314
Nigel Duncan
87. Professional support staff in law schools 319
Lydia Bleasdale
88. Public legal education (community) 322
Richard Grimes
89. Public legal education (prisons) 325
César Arjona
90. Reflection and legal education 329
Michele Leering
91. Research into legal education (empirical) 334
Patricia Leighton
92. Research into legal
education (non-empirical) 338
Anthony Bradney
93. Scholarship and legal education 341
Caroline Gibby
94. Service teaching in legal education 345
Emily Walsh
95. Sexuality and legal education 349
Senthorun Raj
96. Social justice, citizenship and legal education 353
Omar Madhloom
97. Social workers’ legal education 357
Helen Carr and David Goosey
98. Socio-legal approaches to legal education 360
Sally Wheeler
99. Socratic method 363
Adrien Habermacher
100. South Africa (contemporary legal education) 367
Lesley Greenbaum
101. South Africa (history of legal education) 371
Lesley Greenbaum
102. South Africa (regulation of legal education) 375
Helen Kruuse
103. Sustainability and legal education 379
Andreas Rühmkorf
104. Transnational legal education 383
Thomas McMorrow
105. Trauma-informed legal education 387
Colin James
106. USA (contemporary legal education) 391
Susan Carle
107. USA (history of legal education) 395
Felice Batlan
108. USA (regulation of legal education) 398
Carole Silver
109. Values and ethics in legal education 401
Julian Webb
110. Wellbeing/mental health of law students 405
Lynne Taylor
111. Wellbeing/mental health of legal academics 409
Caroline Strevens and Rachael Field