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Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Polar Law

Edited by: Donald R. Rothwell, Suzanne Lalonde, Jeffrey McGee

ISBN13: 9781035300105
To be Published: July 2025
Publisher: Edward Elgar Publishing Limited
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £205.00

This Encyclopedia examines modern polar law and the specific legal regimes applicable in the Antarctic and the Arctic. It outlines related areas of international law, including the law of the sea and environmental law, providing an invaluable overview and encouraging further research.

Analyzing a breadth of topics, including biodiversity, marine protected areas and maritime zones, the Encyclopedia reflects increased global attention on the polar regions, their resources, environment, and governance. Covering the Antarctic, Arctic and adjacent polar regions, entries identify landmark international legal frameworks, such as the 1959 Antarctic Treaty, and discuss the environmental implications of climate change. Leading specialists in the field address historic legal issues and controversies, and highlight recent developments and conflicts.

The Elgar Concise Encyclopedia of Polar Law is an essential resource for students and scholars in environmental law, international law and what is now a distinctive polar law. Its breadth of invaluable insights will also greatly benefit international lawyers and polar officials.

Key Features:

  • Combines legal reviews of historical and contemporary issues
  • Over 140 entries from renowned specialists in the field of polar law
  • Provides clear and succinct introductions to both established and emerging subtopics in the field
  • Covers the legal systems of prominent polar states, including Australia, Canada, Russia and the United States

Environmental Law