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Storytelling for Crime and Justice - Towards a Creative Criminology: A Toolkit

ISBN13: 9781032866215
To be Published: July 2025
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £36.99

Whether it is doing a TEDx, presenting a podcast, sharing on social media, presenting at a conference, or pitching to a potential funder, engaging with storytelling and performance is now a prerequisite of an academics ‘modus operandi.’ Exploring the relationship between and the key concepts associated with storytelling and performance, crime, and criminology, this book offers practical tips and insights into creative methods for presenting research, disseminating criminological knowledge, giving lectures, and developing pedagogy.

The book presents a reflexive account of the author's experiences of using creativity with incarcerated men and women. Drawing on a range of topics including ethical storytelling, presentation literacy, poetic inquiry, staging ethno-drama, crime fiction, and auto-ethnography, it makes a clear and compelling case for a creative criminology and a performative social science.

Written by a seasoned criminologist, theatre director, storyteller, and dramatist, this is essential reading for all those interested in using creative methods of knowledge as a tool to explore the complex landscape of crime and justice.


1. Making Stories
2. Ethical Storytelling as counter-narratives
3. Finding (Historical) Stories of Crime and Justice, 4. Presentation Literacy, Crime and Justice
5. Performative Storytelling, Crime and Justice
6. Poetic Inquiry, Crime and Justice
7. Staging criminology: Ethno-drama & Ethno-theatre
8. Aesop’s Fables for students, lecturers, and researchers
9. Audio and Visual Storytelling, Crime and Justice
10. Reflexive practice: Performance Autoethnography
11. Using Crime Fiction as Teachable Moments

Epilogue: Towards a Creative Criminology