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Age Discrimination: Ageism in Employment and Service Provision

ISBN13: 9781032838267
Published: June 2024
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2011)
Price: £35.00
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9780566089268

Despatched in 4 to 6 days.

Please note this is a paperback reprint of the edition published in 2011

Age Discrimination looks at how both young and old can be penalised by prejudice against their age group. Following recent changes in the law, the issue of age discrimination has come to the fore. The new legislation will extend legal oversight of age-related discrimination to the provision of facilities, goods and services, as well as employment. Professor Sargeant provides a thorough review of the consequences of these changes and their implications for businesses and service providers, public or private.

This comprehensive new book, like its predecessor Age Discrimination in Employment, is essential to practitioners responsible for HR issues, finance, operations, service delivery, quality and customer relations, and for those with a policy focus or academic interest in diversity issues.

Employment Law, Discrimination Law
Age discrimination
Age discrimination at work
Discrimination and facilities, goods and services
The regulation of age discrimination in the UK
Age discrimination and the EU
International perspectives
Retirement; Multiple discrimination
