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Introduction to Oil Tanker and Gas Carrier Operations

ISBN13: 9781032824000
Published: December 2024
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £110.00

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Introduction to Oil Tanker and Gas Carrier Operations introduces the mandatory minimum requirements for training and qualifications for masters, officers, and ratings serving on board liquefied gas tankers. It covers basic safety and pollution-prevention precautions and procedures, layouts of several types of liquefied gas tankers, types of cargo, their hazards, and their handling equipment, as well as general operational sequence and liquefied gas tanker terminology.

The book is intended for officers and key ratings who have not previously served on board crude oil or liquefied gas tankers as part of the regular ship’s company. It covers the Level 1 training requirements prescribed by Regulation V/1, paragraph 1.2 of the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, STCW-95.

Shipping, Transport and Maritime Law
1. History of the Oil and Chemical Bulk Shipping Industry
2. Typical Tanker Arrangements
3. Physical and Chemical Properties of Oil and Chemical Products
4. Cargo Operations
5. Cargo Handling Operations
6. General Precautions on Cargo Handling Operations
7. Inspection and Maintenance of Cargo Handling Equipment at Sea
8. Cargo Measurement and Heating Systems
9. Tank Cleaning and Gas-Freeing Operations
10. Inert Gas Systems
11. Tanker Hazards and Safety
12. Hazard Controls
13. Enclosed Spaces and Hazardous Working
14. Emergencies, Fire Safety and Firefighting
15. MARPOL and Marine Oil Pollution Prevention
16. Incident Case Studies

Annex I. Cargo transfer procedure
Annex II. Checklist No.1 – Prior discharge
Annex III. Checklist No.2 – Prior loading
Annex IV. Checklist No.3 – Departure port
Annex V. Bunker transfer procedures
Annex VI. Engine room procedures