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Just Culture and the Criminalisation of Air Accidents

ISBN13: 9781032789101
Published: December 2024
Publisher: CRC Press
Country of Publication: USA
Format: Hardback
Price: £99.99

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Just Culture and the Criminalisation of Air Accidents equips the reader with the tools to understand the meaning of criminalisation in the civil aviation industry. It enables them to resolve problems that arise in risk management within the context of their professional employment.

By examining the priorities of pilots, air traffic controllers, and prosecutors, this book analyses the anatomy of criminalisation in civil aviation and works towards constructing solutions that protect the professionals’ human rights and the Just Culture concept within the framework of criminal law and practice. It covers the duty of an air traffic controller to take the standard of care to guard against acts or omissions which might cause loss and give rise to a claim in negligence. The book illustrates the critical features discussed with numerous case studies from States and jurisdictions around the world.

The book will benefit airline operators, pilots, air traffic controllers or managers, and aviation business managers.

Air and Space Law
1. Crime and Punishment
2. What is Criminalisation in Civil Aviation?
3. Criminalisation and Human Rights
4. What is the theory of a Just Culture?
5. What do case studies tell us about Just Culture and accountability?
6. Where does the theory part company with practice?
7. How can we offer a solution?
8. Help! Getting out of jail – some practical advice