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Resiliency and the Justice Professional: Preparing for the Jo

ISBN13: 9781032749396
To be Published: March 2025
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £39.99

This essential text introduces criminal justice students to the topics of stress and wellness in personal and professional pursuits and provides them with the tools they will need to identify the signs of stress in their own lives and the lives of others. Students will be equipped to put words into practice through the development and practice of a personal wellness plan that will help them deal with the inevitable stressors they will experience on the job in the justice system.

Written by a criminal justice professor with professional work experience in the field and a community/public health professor with expertise in health and wellness, this text prepares the instructor to discuss stress and its impact on the psychological and physical health of an individual and the process of resiliency-building. Each chapter includes exercises with both academic and real-world applicability that help students draw connections between the lessons and their usefulness for their personal, academic, and professional lives.

Resiliency and the Justice Professional is ideal for all students interested in a career in the justice or justice-adjacent fields, at all degree levels, and can be used with students along the continuum of professional involvement — from those not yet employed in the field to veteran professionals seeking to expand their knowledge.

Legal Skills and Method
1: Introduction – Establishing resiliency-building now – why?
2: Overview – Stress and Trauma
3: Wellness, Pt.
1 – What is it and why is it important?
4: Wellness, Pt.
2 – Dimensions of Health, continued
5: Creating a self-care routine and identifying the body and mind’s response to distress
6: Stress and the Student
7: The Harsher Realities of Criminal Justice Professions
8: Stress and Wellness in the Profession
9: Maintaining wellness practice as you transition from college to career