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Research Methods in Law 3rd ed

Edited by: Dawn Watkins, Mandy Burton

ISBN13: 9781032710341
Previous Edition ISBN: 9781138230194
To be Published: August 2025
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £39.99
Hardback edition not yet published, ISBN13 9781032710358

Explaining in clear terms some of the main methodological approaches to legal research, Research Methods in Law is written by specialists in their fields, researching in a variety of jurisdictions.

Covering a range of topics, including feminist approaches, economic analysis of the law and socio-legal studies, each contributor addresses the topic of ‘lay decision makers in the legal system’ from their particular methodological perspective. This focus on one main topic allows the reader to draw comparisons between methods with relative ease. This third edition has been fully updated, and includes bullet point summaries at the start of each chapter. There are also two new chapters covering biographical approaches and creative approaches.

The broad range of contributors makes Research Methods in Law well suited to an international audience, and it is ideal reading for PhD students in law, undergraduate dissertation students in law, LL.M Research students and early year researchers.

Legal Skills and Method
1. Doctrinal research Researching Jury
Terry Hutchinson
2. Socio-legal studies: A challenge to the doctrinal approach
Fiona Cowie and Anthony Bradney
3. Doing empirical research: Exploring the decision-making of
magistrates and juries
Mandy Burton
4. Legal research in the humanities
Steven Cammiss and Dawn Watkins
5. Legal history
Philip Handler
6. Comparative law and its methodology
Geoffrey Samuel
7. Biographical approaches: Using life writing as a research method
Fiona Cownie and Mandy Burton
8. Economic analysis of law, or economically informed legal research
Albert Sanchez-Graells
9. The Master’s Tools? A Feminist Approach to Legal and Lay Decision-Making
Vanessa E Munro
10. Law and anthropolpgy: legal pluralism and ‘lay’ decision making
Anthony Good
11. Creative Approaches
Dawn Watkins
12. Critical legal ‘method’ as attitude
Panu Minkkinen