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Migrants and the Courts: A Century of Trial and Error?

ISBN13: 9781032652405
Published: June 2024
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback (Hardback in 2013)
Price: £39.99
Hardback edition , ISBN13 9781409451969

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Written in a lively and engaging style from the perspective of a leading immigration judge, this book examines how states resolve disputes with migrants. The chapters reflect on changes in the laws and rules of migration on an international and regional basis and the impact on the parties, administration, public and judiciary. The book is a critical assessment of how the migration tribunal system has evolved over the last century, the lessons which have been learnt and those which have not. It includes additional comparative contributions by authors on international jurisdictions and is a valuable overview of the evolution and future of the immigration tribunal system which will be of interest to those involved in human rights, migration, transnational and international law.

Immigration, Asylum, Refugee and Nationality Law
Foreword, The Rt Hon Sir Stephen Sedley
Laying the foundations
From Home Office to Lord Chancellor
Development of tribunal structures
Getting the facts - interpreting the evidence
What price state security?
How other countries do it - Belgium, North Africa, South Africa and Sweden, (with Katelijne Declerck, Amor Boubakri, Ahmed Arbee and Goran Hakansson)
How other countries do it - Canada