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Space Tourism: Legal and Policy Aspects

Edited by: Sandeepa Bhat B.

ISBN13: 9781032617954
Published: February 2024
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £39.99

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Space tourism has become extremely significant in recent times, especially in pursuance of the new space race among corporate giants such as Virgin Galactic, Blue Origin and Space X. Each of these corporate giants has already booked thousands of space enthusiasts for a journey to outer space. Given this wide interest of private space players, space tourists as well as countries in space tourism, it is imperative to understand the legal issues involved in space tourism. This book presents important discussions in the domain of space tourism and its legal implications across the globe. It attempts to find solutions to various challenges like safety and security in space, status of space tourists during emergency, liability aspects, environmental protection, etc., faced during the recent spurt of space tourism. It also discusses the role of insurance in space tourism, various crimes possible in outer space with the rise of space tourism, the mechanisms for adjudication of such crimes, the aspect of quarantining space tourists, the need to preserve the natural and cultural heritage of space, and other topics, besides examining the contemporary legal and policy-oriented issues of privatisation of space.

A must read for scholars and researchers of law, space science, history and other fields who are interested in the space race and outer space law, this book will also be of interest to those exploring space studies, political studies, environmental studies, and political economy. It will be useful for policymakers, bureaucrats, think tanks as well as the interested general readers looking for fresh perspectives on the future of space.

Air and Space Law
1. Space Tourism: Outlining the Legal Issues - Prof. (Dr.) Sandeepa Bhat B.
2. The Kármán Line Controversy and Boundaries of Outer Space: Implications for Space Tourism - Tushar Krishna and Dr. Shouvik Kumar Guha
3. The Effect of Space Tourism on the Concept of “Astronaut” Under International Law - Prof. Melissa de Zwart and Joel Lisk
4. Need to Clarify the Rescue Norms for Private Space Tourists - Ankit Kumar Padhy and Dr. Divya Tyagi
5. Keeping Outer Space Safe for Human Presence - Dr. Martha Mejía-Kaiser
6. State Responsibility and Space Tourism: Customary Principles as Modified by Article VI of the Outer Space Treaty - Dr. Ricky J. Lee
7. Legal Framework of Liability in Space Tourism - Dr. Asha P Soman
8. The Environmental Effects of Space Tourism - Prof. (Dr.) David Webb
9. Legal Strategies to Preserve the Natural and Cultural Heritage of Space - Dr. Jennifer A. Brobst
10. Contractual Obligations in the Context of Space Tourism - Rohan R. Pillai and Arshi Alam
11. Space Tourism: Possible Crimes and their Adjudication - Prof. (Dr.) G.S. Sachdeva
12. Issues of Ownership and Tourism in Outer Space - Dr. Attila Sipos and Simran Upadhyaya
13. Space Tourism: Learning from the Antarctic Experience - Aaditya Vikram Sharma