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Renewable Energy Law in Sub-Saharan Africa: Assessing Ghanaian Renewable Energy Development and Policy

ISBN13: 9781032614465
Published: June 2024
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £135.00

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This book contributes to the broader discussion on the development of renewable energy sources for a clean and sustainable energy to drive sustainable growth, energy security and sustainable development.

Focusing on sub-Sahara African perspectives, with Ghana as the central case study, this book focuses on how regulatory regimes can be designed to achieve renewable energy targets for electricity production. Exploring the regulatory rationales behind the government’s intervention in the Ghanaian renewable energy sector, it examines whether the regulatory measures adopted by the Ghanaian government are sufficient to attract adequate investment to meet renewable energy integration targets. Assessing the regulatory frameworks of the renewable energy sectors of The Gambia and Nigeria, the book compares these countries to the regulatory approaches to renewable energy development in Ghana. Arguing that there are significant regulatory issues impeding renewable energy development in Ghana, with wider consequences across sub-Saharan Africa, the book suggests solutions which can establish a robust and an effective regulatory framework to achieve renewable energy developmental targets.

A comprehensive read, this volume will appeal to scholars and researchers of sustainable development, law and legal studies, environmental laws, development economics, applied industrial economics, energy security, African economy, public policy and regulatory policy. It will also be of interest to professionals and practitioners in policy circles and research think tanks.

Other Jurisdictions , Africa, Energy and Natural Resources Law
1. Introduction
2. Explaining Regulation
3. Historical and Normative Contexts of Renewable Energy
4. Ghanaian Renewable Energy and the Electricity Sector
5. The Regulation of Ghana’s Renewable Energy Sector
6. Regulatory Rationales and Approaches to the Ghanaian Renewable Energy Sector
7. Regulatory, Legal and Policy Issues
8. Comparison with other Countries in the Region
9. Conclusion