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Comparative Persectives on the Chinese Civil Code: Property Law Across Cultures

ISBN13: 9781032543659
Published: March 2024
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £135.00

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This book provides a comparative analysis of Chinese property law as depicted in the newly enacted Chinese Civil Code.

The Chinese Civil Code, the first civil code in the history of the People’s Republic China, was enacted as law in May 2020. Reflecting the growing interest in this code and its provisions to scholars of codification and of comparative private law, it has already been translated into English, German, and Italian. Chinese property law has both local and global features, and this comparative study offers a channel through which to understand Chinese property law, by highlighting both its similarities and differences from other systems of property. Broadly speaking, the book brings together two approaches. The first comprises a comprehensive discussion of aspects of Chinese property law, such as ownership, property rights, and secured transactions. The second consists in perspectives from other jurisdictions, and provide an assessment of Chinese property law based on other property systems. Containing contributions by both distinguished as well as young scholars, who are experienced in comparative property law research, the book offers a unique insight into the Chinese Civil Code and, through it, how extra-civilian elements are embodied in a fundamentally civilian legal system.

This book will appeal to scholars and students of property law, comparative law, and others with specific interests in law and politics in China.

Other Jurisdictions , China
I. Foundations of Property Law
1. What is Property?
Meiling Huang
2. Translation for The Masses: The Poetics of Chinese Property Law
Francesca Iurlaro

II. Limited Real Rights
3. Real Rights Less than Ownership in the Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China: How Civilian are they?
Asya Ostroukh
4. The Law of Servitudes in the New Chinese Civil Code Through the Eyes of a Foreign Civilian Lawyer
María Ithurria

III. Regimes of the Disposal of Property
5. A Scots Lawyer Looks at the Chinese Law of Delivery of Goods
Craig Anderson
6. Flexibilities of the Transfer System Under Chinese Property Law
Jing Zhang
IV. The System of Secured Transactions
7. A Comparative Study of Chinese and American Registration Systems for Secured Transactions in Movables
Hongfei Xi
8. Atypical Secured Transactions from the Functionalist Perspective
Jiayong Zhang
9. Preferential Performance in the Security Contract
Jun Li
10. Concluding Reflections
Paul J. du Plessis