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Sexual Harassment and the Law in Africa Country and Regional Perspectives

Edited by: Furaha-Joy Sekai Saungweme, Carol Chi Ngang, Graham Towl

ISBN13: 9781032446684
Published: March 2024
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £35.99

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Written by a team of experts from legal, forensic and policy backgrounds, this book presents new research into sexual violence and harassment across Africa.

The book foregrounds the work of African scholars and presents careful research analysis and case studies that consider sexual harassment from legal, socio-economic and cultural realities. It highlights the importance of laws around sexual harassment in Africa, the intersectional challenges it poses to women in the workplace as well as the role of the feminist movement in Africa to hold perpetrators accountable and give voice to survivors of sexual harassment. The book forms part of a broader African driven research initiative on sexual harassment and the law and is written in partnership with the Africa End Sexual Harassment Initiative (AESHI). It also explores the need to focus on best practice benchmarks for Africa and also learning from developments in Africa.

Timely and relevant, the book will be of great interest to legal and policy academic scholars, professionals and activists working in the fields of gender policy, forensic psychology and NGOs. It will also be useful reading for postgraduate students of law, gender studies, political science and African studies.

Other Jurisdictions , Africa
1. The menace of sexual harassment in the workplace – A legal and human rights concern
Furaha-Joy Sekai Saungweme, Carol Chi Ngang and Graham Towl
2. Critical reflections on equality, sexual harassment, and the right to sustainable development for women in Africa
Carol Chi Ngang
3. Ending sexual harassment in Africa through human rights mechanisms – A critical appraisal of the application of the Maputo Protocol by the African human rights system and the ECOWAS Court of Justice
Joelle Nwabueze
4. Single incident, big impact: Exposing the precarious relationship between sexual harassment and the persistent behaviour standard
Furaha-Joy Sekai Saungweme and Megan E. Cistulli
5. A critical analysis of vicarious liability for sexual harassment in South Africa
Yondela Ndema
6. Legal protection of women with disabilities against sexual harassment in Tanzania
Victoria Melkisedeck Lihiru
7. Silent but pervasive: Sexual harassment against women lawyers in Uganda
Labila Sumayah Musoke
8. The cost of workplace sexual harassment: A critique of the Ethiopia labour law
Wubrest F. Adamu
9. Sexual harassment and the law in Kenya: Broadening employee rights in the world of work
Wycliffe Nyachoti Otiso
10. Sexual harassment and the law in Liberia
Veronica Fynn Bruey
11. Sexual harassment in the Nigerian media environment
Juliana Taiwo-Obalonye
12. Sexual harassment and the law in Nigeria: Exploring the existing legal landscape and highlighting the gaps in legal and institutional frameworks
Oluwatoyin Adejonwo-Osho
13. Mapping future directions in addressing sexual harassment in Africa
Furaha-Joy Sekai Saungweme, Carol Chi Ngang and Graham Towl