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A Practitioner’s Guide to Cybersecurity and Data Protection: How to Ensure Client Confidentiality

ISBN13: 9781032427607
Published: November 2023
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £25.99

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A Practitioner’s Guide to Cybersecurity and Data Protection offers an accessible introduction and practical guidance on the crucial topic of cybersecurity for all those working with clients in the fields of psychology, neuropsychology, psychotherapy and counselling.

With expert insights, it provides essential information in an easy-to-understand way to help professionals ensure they are protecting their clients’ data and confidentiality, and protecting themselves and their patients from cyberattacks and information breaches, along with guidance on ethics, data protection, cybersecurity practice, privacy laws, child protection and the rights and freedoms of the people the practitioners work with. Explaining online law, privacy and information governance and data protection that goes beyond the GPDR, it covers key topics including: Contracts and consent; setting up and managing safe spaces; children's data rights and freedoms; email and web security; and considerations for working with other organisations.

Illustrated with examples from peer-reviewed research and practice, and with practical ‘top tips’ to help you implement the advice, this practical guide is a must read for all working from home practitioners in clinical psychology, developmental psychology, neuropsychology, counselling, and hypnotherapy.

Data Protection
1. Cyberethics, Philosophy and Ethics
2. A Clinician's Guide to Cybersecurity and Data Protection: How to ensure client confidentiality?
3. Data Protection and THE GPDR
4. Privacy Rights and Freedoms
5. Why Cybersecurity matters and why training is essential
6. Technology and Data Protection
7. Safe and Secure Spaces in Digital Therapy Delivery
8. Online Professionalism
9. Data protection, Children, and the Law
10. Real Stories: Bringing Cyber to life
11. Conclusion and Essential Tips for Practitioners