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Careers in Criminal Justice and Criminology

ISBN13: 9781032412931
Published: April 2023
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Paperback
Price: £36.99

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This book provides a thorough and directed focus on successfully identifying, obtaining and succeeding in a career in criminal justice or criminology. With empirically-based, research-focused information on how students can prepare for and ultimately join the criminal justice or criminology workforce, it covers the positions available in criminal justice and criminology, how to get a job in the fields, and what can be expected upon obtaining employment. The book contextualizes career opportunities within criminal justice and criminology, providing information about the nature of the work and how various positions fit within the criminal justice system as a whole.

Part I provides an overview including a history of careers, job opportunities, and nature of working in the field. The second part addresses preparation for entering the field, including coverage of internships and overall professional development. The final part of the book addresses careers in the primary components of the criminal justice system, juvenile justice, and other areas. An epilogue addresses promotion issues, and a series of helpful appendices provide practical tools for working toward a career in criminal justice or criminology.

This book is suitable for any reader considering employment in the criminal justice or criminology, and ideal for instructors who supervise and guide students as they gain practical experience and move toward careers.

Careers and Professional Development
Part I: The Criminal Justice and Criminology Workforce
Chapter 1. An Overview of Careers in Criminal Justice and Criminology
Chapter 2. A History of Criminal Justice Focused on Employment and Academic Study
Chapter 3. Opportunities and Trends in Criminal Justice and Criminology Employment
Chapter 4. Working in Criminal Justice and Criminology

Part II: Preparing and Selling Yourself
Chapter 5. A Self-Assessment
Chapter 6. Your Criminal Justice and Criminology Education
Chapter 7. Preparing for Employment in Criminal Justice and Criminology
Chapter 8. Internships in Criminal Justice and Criminology

Part III: Working Toward Justice
Chapter 9. Careers in Law Enforcement
Chapter 10. Working in the Courts
Chapter 11. Careers in Corrections
Chapter 12. Working in the Juvenile Justice System
Chapter 13. Other Employment Opportunities in Criminal Justice and Criminology

Appendix A: Sample Resumes, Cover Letter, and Follow-up Letter
Appendix B: State Labor Offices
Appendix C: Federal Criminal Justice and Criminology Employment Resources
Appendix D: Careers in Criminal Justice and Criminology
Appendix E: Salaries for Select Criminal Justice and Criminology Positions
Appendix F: Curriculum Vita Shell